Stand Montafon Forest Fund

The Forest Fund is the forest administration of Stand Montafon. As a municipal association, the forest administration is owned by the eight Forest Fund municipalities of Bartholomäberg, Gaschurn, Silbertal, Schruns, St. Anton im Montafon, St. Gallenkirch, Tschagguns and Vandans. The Forest Fund manages and cultivates more than 8,860 hectares of building and forest areas in the Montafon valley and is the primary owner of woodland in the region of Vorarlberg.

The fund’s operative goal is the professional, systematic, sustainable and economic use of the woodland owned by Stand Montafon for all potential purposes of human society. This involves the protection of the Montafon valley’s natural environment, coverage of usage rights and sustainable timber production in the region.

It focuses on the functions of the forest beyond its economic use, which have an inestimable and immaterial value for the population even though they don’t yield revenue for the forest owner. This is why multifunctional sustainability is the basis for each and every activity in the forest.

Find out more about the Forest Fund of Stand Montafon at