English Pages


Stand Montafon (english)

The regional association of Stand Montafon has grown over centuries, organising many aspects of the lives of people living in the valley. Stand Montafon...

Forstfonds Teamwork

Stand Montafon Forest Fund

The Forest Fund is the forest administration of Stand Montafon. As a municipal association, the forest administration is owned by the eight Forest Fund...

Abwasserverband Montafon

Montafon Sewage Board

The wastewater treatment plant (WTP) of Montafon valley located in Vandans/Vens started operations in 1985. The WTP has been regularly updated with state-of-the-art...

Bibliothek Schruns

Montafon Library

In the autumn of 2014, the library of Stand Montafon and the parochial library of Schruns were merged in the Montafon valley. The new location at “Haus...

Heimatmuseum Schruns

Montafon Museums

The cultural activities in the Montafon valley are coordinated and carried out in close cooperation by Stand Montafon and the Montafon Heritage Society...


Montafon Music School

The foundation of the Montafon Music School in 1970 was mainly shaped by the ideas of the district brass band officials who wanted to establish a training...

Waldschule Montafon

Montafon Forest School

The Montafon Forest School aims to promote an understanding of the forest and the natural correlations of the environment. It focuses on learning and experiencing...

Landbus Montafon

Public transport in the Montafon valley

The public transport network in the Montafon valley is served by the regional train service Montafonerbahn, several long-distance bus lines and the on-call...